
Call Center & CRM China 2001


A US$30000


  1. 主题报告(Main report)发言 50分钟
  2. Main report (General Manager level above) 50min

  3. 专题报告(Subject report)发言 50分钟

    One session in Subject report 50min

  4. 提供必要的演示场地(108平米空地)
  5. Offer necessary Demo space(108 square meters)

  6. 可成为本届展会的协办单位及主赞助商
  7. Co-organize and Main sponsor for the exhibition

  8. 展会会刊上刊登彩色插页广告2页,以及300-500字的公司简介(中英文)
  9. Two pages colored ad & 300-500 words company introduction on Exhibition Manual (Chinese & English)

  10. 会场背板、展览手册答谢广告、网站及宣传媒体上出现公司标识(Logo)
  11. Company logo on Back Board, web site, Exhibits Manual and media

  12. 可安排现场室内广告牌一块
  13. One band of Indoor advertisement

  14. 网上发布9个月

    Free of web Publishing nine months

  15. 可帮助安排发放公司资料、礼品及宣传品
  16. Help spread the company materials, gifts and publications

  17. 免十个人的注册费

Free of four registration fees


B US$16,000


  1. 专题报告(Subject report)发言 50分钟
  2. One session in Subject report 50min

  3. 提供必要的演示场地(72平米展位)
  4. Necessary Demo space (72 square meters)

  5. 可成为本届展会的赞助商

    Sponsor for the exhibition

  6. 展会会刊上刊登彩色插页广告1页,以及300-500字的公司简介(中英文)
  7. One page colored ad & 300-500 words company introduction (Chinese & English)

  8. 会场背板、展览手册答谢广告、网站及宣传媒体上出现公司标识
  9. Company logo on backboard, web site, exhibits manual and media

  10. 可安排展场室内广告牌一块
  11. One indoor advertisement band

  12. 网上发布6个月

    Free of web Publishing six months

  13. 可帮助安排发送公司资料、礼品及宣传品
  14. Help to pass the company materials and publications

  15. 免六个人的注册费

Free of two registration fees


C US$13,000


  1. 专题报告(Subject report)发言 50分钟
  2. One session in Subject report 50min

  3. 展览会刊上刊登彩色插页广告1页,以及300-500字的公司简介(中英文)
  4. One page of colored ad & 300-500 words of company introduction (Chinese & English)

  5. 提供必要的演示场地(54平米展位)
  6. Necessary Demo space (54 square meters)

  7. 会场背板、展览手册答谢广告、网站、宣传媒体上出现公司标识(Logo)
  8. Company logo on backboard, web site, exhibits manual and media

  9. 网上发布3个月

    Free of web Publishing three months

  10. 可帮助安排发送公司资料及宣传品

    Help to pass the company material and publications

  11. 免四个人的注册费

    Free of four registration fees