2000年6月26日 CCNS新闻



AOL Moviefone今天宣布它新加了贝尔实验室开发的语音识别技术,以增强其广受欢迎的交互式电话服务,777-FILM,迈阿密。贝尔实验室是朗讯科技的研究开发部门。迈阿密地区常看电影的人现在可以使用语音对系统讲话。这种增强服务,在明年将在超过35个主要的市场上使用,现在可以让常看电影的人通过对电话讲话选择电影或键入附加信息,例如他们的邮编号码或信用卡号码。

AOL Moviefone Enhances Miami Service With Speech Rec

AOL Moviefone today announced it has added speech recognition technology developed by Bell Labs, the research and development arm of Lucent Technologies, to enhance its popular interactive telephone service, 777-FILM, in Miami. Moviegoers in the Miami area now can use their own voice to speak to the system. The enhanced service, which will be available in more than 35 major markets over the course of the next year, now enables moviegoers to select a movie or enter additional information, such as their zip code or credit card number, by speaking into the phone.


Musictele.com推出新的NTI 64 CTI板,一个平台式CTI板,在单一PCI平台上包括板内处理器,内存和多达64个语音资源。NTI 64可以支持双T-1接口,无阻塞语音资源,并且具有存储语音特征和语音识别技术的能力,全部工作只需要一个单板槽位。这个高密度产品允许因特网服务供应商在一个Web服务器上连接500个通道。使用NTI 64 H.100总线结构,多块板和多个服务器可以为ISP和电信市场提供、支持高密度解决方案。Musictele.com还宣布,NTI 64将支持一个E-1接口,用于欧洲客户。

Musictele.com Targets Internet Call Back And Voice Portal Applications

Musictele.com introduced of their new NTI 64 CTI board, a platform CTI card that contains on-board processors, memory and up to 64 voice resources on a single PCI platform. The NTI 64 can support dual T-1 interfaces with non-blocking voice resources and has the ability to store biometrics and speech recognition technology using only a single card slot. The high-density product permits Internet Service Providers to connect up to 500 channels in a single web server. With the NTI 64 H.100 bus architecture, multiple cards and servers can be support, thus providing for a high-density solution for the ISP and Telco marketplace. Musictele.com has also announced that the NTI 64 will support a dual E-1 interface for European customers.

Registry Magic宣布前期发行虚拟操作员3.0版

Registry Magic公司宣布前期发行虚拟操作员3.0版将在今年的第三个季度提供给有限的,经过资格认证的合作伙伴。虚拟操作员是一个获奖的具有语音功能的自动话务员和呼叫路由分配系统,这套系统因其杰出的语音识别精度和易于安装维护,已经受到工业界,客户和电信经销商的认可。虚拟操作员3.0版将通过与Triax技术公司 - 一个完全属于KS Telecom的附属公司 - 的交叉授权协议提供更多的语音功能和语音邮件集成。

Registry Magic Announces Early Release of Virtual Operator Version 3.0

Registry Magic, Incorporated announced the early release of its Virtual Operator version 3.0 in the third quarter of this year to limited, qualified partners. Virtual Operator is an award-winning speech-enabled auto attendant and call-routing system which has been recognized by the industry, customers and telecommunications dealers for its outstanding speech recognition accuracy and ease of installation/administration. Version 3.0 of the Virtual Operator will offer increased speech functionality and the integration of voice mail through a cross-licensing agreement with Triax Technology, a wholly owned subsidiary of KS Telecom.



Sideware, Native Join For Mobile eCRM

Sideware, a developer of customer service solutions for e-business, and Native Technologies, a systems integrator specializing in mobile computing wireless data solutions, have forged an agreement to offer Native Technologies' customers Sideware's fully integrated online e-Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) on all of its Internet based services. As a new Sideware e-business partner and client, Native Technologies and Sideware will jointly embark on integrating Sideware's 100% Java based e-customer service solution, Dr. Bean, into its range of mobile device applications.


美国航空货运公司引入他的新的交互语音应答系统,用于使客户以用户友好方式访问与装运有关的重要信息。呼叫者通过按键话机触发系统软件。通过一系列的用户友好的菜单,呼叫者可以获得装运状态信息。经常发货者可以在一次呼叫中,询问不限数量的装运情况。“我们希望IVR/CTI能够处理大多数呼叫,而不需要业务代表的介入。这将使电话销售和服务人员更专注于他们提供杰出客户服务方面的技能,”Mark Najarian说,Cargo Sales的付总裁。

American Airlines Cargo Debuts Improved Interactive Phone System

American Airlines Cargo introduced its new interactive voice response system designed to give customers user-friendly access to vital information regarding their shipments. The caller activates the system software through a touchtone telephone. Through a series of user friendly menus, callers can obtain shipment status information. Frequent shippers will benefit from the ability to request the status of an unlimited number of shipments with one call. "We anticipate IVR/CTI will handle a majority of these calls without the need for agent intervention. This will enable the telephone sales and service agents to focus their skills on providing outstanding customer service," says Mark Najarian, Vice President of Cargo Sales.
