




  International Call Center Trends, Industry Standards and Best Practices for Delivering World Class Service

John Hamilton
President, Service Strategies Corporation

  The service industry has undergone some interesting changes just in the past five years. Many of these have been positive as most companies are realizing the importance of good service and the impact it has on long-term customer loyalty. One of the major challenges that companies still face is how to deliver CONSISTENT, HIGH QUALITY SUPPORT cost effectively on a global basis.

  This dynamic and interactive workshop will examine some of the changes and trends that have taken place in recent years. It will also review new industry certification standards that have enabled companies to increase efficiency, service quality and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. Best practices will be shared from SCP certified companies that will demonstrate how they were able to achieve the certification.

What you will learn from this Seminar:
· Call center trends in technology and outsourcing
· Key service measurements
· The value of industry standards and certification
· Best practices from world class service providers
· Action plan for success


约翰 汉密尔顿
总裁, 美国服务战略公司

  服务产业在过去的5 年中已经经历了一些有趣的变化。许多公司都认识到优质服务的重要性并且会影响到长期客户的忠诚度。这些公司仍然面临的主要挑战之一是如何在全球范围内为客户提供一致的、高质量的并且是在合理成本之内的服务支持。

  这一动态的和交互式的新特点将检验已经在近年来所发生的一些变化和趋势。 它也将重新评估新的产业认证标准,而这些标准已经使许多公司增加了效率,提高了服务质量并且最终导致了客户满意度的提升。


· 从技术和外包角度来分析呼叫中心发展趋势
· 关键服务评估
· 产业标准和认证的价值
· 来自于世界级运营商的最佳案例
· 为成功制订方案

John Hamilton
约翰 汉密尔顿

President, Service Strategies Corporation

San Diego, CA

  John has more than twenty years of software engineering and service industry experience. He has significant international experience from working in both the Asia-Pacific and European regions. In addition to his support management knowledge, John has a well-rounded background from managing engineering, quality control, and training organizations. He successfully re-engineered a number of large support operations - increasing their efficiency and elevating their service to world class. He has also developed RFP's for selecting support automation technology and managed the implementation of the tools, creating a quick return on investment for support operations.

  约翰有20多年软件工程和服务业工作经验。 他从在亚太和欧洲地区的工作中积累了丰富的国际经验。 除他的支持管理知识之外,约翰有从管理工程,质量控制到培训机构这样一个全面发展的背景。他成功地完成了许多大型的支持运营项目-- 增加他们的效率以及使他们的服务达到了世界级。他也研究发展RFP选择支持自动化技术并且管理那些工具的实施,从支持运营的投资中迅速获取回报。

Areas of Expertise:

Support Center Re-Engineering (支持中心的重建)
International Support (国际化支持)
Outsourcing (外包)
Measurement Systems(评估系统)
Automation Tools (自动化工具)
Real-Time Support(实时支持)

About Service Strategies Corporation(关于SSC公司)
  Founded in 1999 and headquartered in San Diego, CA, Services Strategies advances service excellence for quality-minded organizations through industry-standard certification and training programs that ensure delivery of consistent, high-quality customer service and support.

  成立于1999年, 总部设在加州圣地亚哥,SSC公司致力于通过行业标准认证和可以提供确保一致的、高质量的客户服务和支持的培训课程来为那些优秀和明智的公司服务。

  Service Strategies applies a proven benchmark process to its certification programs resulting in continuously improving service, while tailored training programs advances the skills and competencies of service professionals and leads to increased organizational effectiveness.

  SSC采用被证明过的基准流程到它的认证课程中,可以连续地改进服务。同时, 按客户需求量体裁衣定制的培训课程可以提高专业服务的技能和能力并增加机构的效率。

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