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2014-11-11 09:36:38   作者:   来源:CTI论坛   评论:0  点击:

  时间:11月19日(周三) 6PM-9PM
  地点:Morgan 101

  - 牛眼看国内创业环境(主讲人:吕桂华)
  - 洞察力和细节,我们的云产品打造之路 (主讲人:韩拓)

  2011年中旬创立至今, 拥有15万数量级客户的七牛云存储立志于要打造中国的亚马逊S3。加入到我们的活动来,与七牛总裁吕桂华、首席架构师韩拓面对面,了解他们眼中的中国创业环境,以及七牛的云产品打造之路。



  毕业于中国地质大学,物理学学士。先后在金山、童话网络等国内知名的IT企业从事研究,架构等技术负责人工作,有接近10年的IT行业开发经验。曾任金山软件架构师,参与金山实验室的创建(云存储为主要业务)以及早期研发工作,在成功研发出了第一代高性能分布式存储系统后,全面负责金山快盘后台存储系统的运维,使得金山快盘顺利支持百万级别用户。之后加入上海童话网络科技有限公司任服务器端主架构师,主导2.5D MMORPG网络游戏的服务器端架构设计和开发。现任上海七牛信息技术有限公司首席架构师兼任技术总监,全面负责七牛核心存储系统的功能开发和整个系统的运维工作。凭借之前丰富的架构师与运维经验使得七牛云存储在短时间内便成功支持客户百万级独立访问用户的规模。

  Fireside Chat with CEO and CTO from Qiniu Cloud Storage
  Time: November 19th 2014 (Wednesday), 6PM-9PM

  Venue: Morgan 101

  Keynote Themes:
  - Entrepreneurial environment in China
  - Strategic Development of Qiniu Cloud Storage

  Description of the event:
  Founded in 2011, Qiniu Limited with 150,000-consumer base aims to become the Chinese Amazon S3. Come to our event, you will have the opportunity to engage in a conversation with the CEO and the CTO of Qiniu who will be sharing their insights on the entrepreneurial environment of China, and the Strategic Development of Qiniu Cloud Storage.
  Delicious Refreshment will be served, and other surprises awaits you!

  About the company:
  Founded in 2011, Qiniu is a leading cloud-storage service provider based in Shanghai, China. Qiniu invented a new generation of distributed data storage technology. Combined with the domestic network environment, Qiniu bring up a “multiple data center & multiple accelerate node” architecture design. This design on the premise that solve “big data storage” of enterprise, made unprecedented innovation in data security, transferring acceleration, and the availability of storage service.

  About the speakers:
  LvGuihua—President and COO of Qiniu
  Graduated from Zhejiang University of China.
  July 2001—March 2004, worked as the Senior Software Engineer of Kingsoft.
  March 2004—August 2009, worked as the Development Manager of Augmentum.
  August 2009—June 2011, worked as the Manager of ShanDa Interactive Entertainment Ltd.
  June 2011—present, works as the COO of Qiniu Limited.
  May 2014—present, works as the President of Qiniu Limited.

  Han Tuo—CTO of Qiniu
  Graduated from China University of Geosciences.
  June 2007—March 2010, worked as the Software Engineer of Kingsoft.
  March 2010—June 2011, worked as the Software Engineer of Shanghai Qiniu Information Technologies Co., Ltd.
  June 2011—present, works as the CTO and Software Engineer of Qiniu Limited.

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